

1) The leading Ukrainian historian of Polish literature Prof.Владимир Ершов for the very first time discovered Adam Gurowski today & offered me to write a separate article on this famous sensational writer.


2) I have one more VAK article, although those lazybones in Lutsk could have sent it to me more than ten (!) months ago...!!!  

Sooo it's a belated 2013 publication which I finally have now)))

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Volyn awaits!

3-4 April 2014 — I'm off to Volyn

Essay on Adam Gurowski


Запропоновано принципово нову інтерпретацію творчої еволюції вихідця з Волині, популярного північноамериканського автора Адама Гуровського. Акцентовано на необхідності ретельного студіювання повноти і складності його зв’язків із дискурсивними радикально-демократичними практиками популярної, сенсаційної літератури. 

Ключові слова: історія північно-американської літератури, Волинь, Адам Гуровський, дискурс, радикально-демократична, сенсаційна література.

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Forces of Nature

IM-25 Homework Video material

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The Napoleon of America

I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.

Andrew JacksonIM-32 Homework Video
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The Man of Destiny

George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950)

Nobel Prize in Literature (1925)

"You must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can't justify your existence, if you're not pulling your weight in the social boat, if you're not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then, clearly, we cannot use the organizations of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive..."

WIKI Biography

Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw In His Own Words


Did Napoleon provide the model for Hitler's Final Solution?

 140 years before the Holocaust, Napoleon used gas to exterminate the civil population of the Antilles, he created concentration camps in Corsica and Alba, and he re-established the slave trade, provoking the deaths of over 200,000 Africans in the French colonies. In this riveting and controversial expose, Ribbe reveals Napoleon's shocking legacy tothe atrocities of the twentieth century

Napoleon Crimes — by Claude Ribbe


It is VERY difficult to find an Englilish version of the Man of Destiny play, but here is a clip  of the play called

L'uomo del destino

(you may want to watch it just to get a feeling of the scenes desribed in the english text)


THE MAN OF DESTINY ENGLISH TRAILER (takes a minue of two to load) 



IF B.Shaw really supported Hitler \ Stalin or shared their visions of hell on Earth for «lesser men» — in this case, who is Napolen in his famous play the Man of  Destiny?


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Important literary events of 2014:

George Lippard — 160 лет со дня смерти

Nathaniel Hawthorne — 210 лет со дня рождения


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IM-51: Dangerous corner 1933

«Dangerous Corner» by Dramatics Club 

Study Guide  — READ IT!


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"Накинулись, начали рвать ленты. Но венок она не отдала" - Сушкевич о скандале на закрытии сочинской Паралимпиады

Ппрезидент Национального паралимпийского комитета Украины Валерий Сушкевич.напомнил, как из-за надписи «мир» на куртке охрана стадиона в Сочи не хотела пропускать украинскую лыжница Людмилу Павленко на арену во время церемонии закрытия игр.

«Я хотел бы поблагодарить эту девушку (показывает на Людмилу Павленко - Ред.) за то, что она в ответственный момент выдержала то бешенное давление. Которое, собственно, выдерживали все мы. От субъектов и паралимпийского и непаралимпийського направления. Нас откровенно и постоянно „пасли“. Это были не соревнования, а постоянная борьба за то, что ты утверждаешь Украину на земле страны, которая осуществила агрессию по отношению к нам. По телефону нормально поговорить не мог, постоянно следили. А перед пресс-конференцией меня позвали в отдельную комнату и сказали, чтобы я дал прочитать то, что буду говорить. Такого я еще не видел», — говорит Валерий Михайлович.

«Посмотрите на эту украинскую девушку, — продолжает он. — Эта украинка ехала в курточке, закрывая футболку, на которой во всех местах, где можно написать, было написано „Мир“ по-украински, по-русски и по-английски. И украинский венок, на лентах которого было тоже написано „Мир“. Который она не надевала до последней минуты. И когда помощница его принесла, они все на него набросились и просили отдать. Мы объясняли, что это слово, которое сопровождало во все времена все игры, во время их всегда останавливались войны. Не помогло. Начали срывать ленты. Но венок она не отдала. Надела на голову и поехала на арену. А когда въехала на стадион, в последний момент сняла куртку, а на желтой футболке написано „Мир“, „Peace“. Тогда они бросились к ней, но… все спортивное общество было на стороне Украины. Знаменосцы других стран сплотились возле Люды и приказали не трогать. Те попытались отодрать надпись,но даже российские волонтеры закрывали Люду, не давали этого сделать. Нашу спортсменку не дали обидеть».

Между тем помощница принесла венок с «мирными» лентами, который пытались сорвать с Людмилы. Спортсменка надела его, после чего все присутствующие зааплодировали.

«Вот так мы боролись, так мы утверждали мир в стране, которая совершила агрессию», — отметил Валерий Сушкевич.


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Some more academic plans: the 6th Lotman conference at Tallinn University

Tatjana Kuzovkina (Tallinn University, Estonia) wrote:

Здравствуйте, Михаил!

Оргкомитет VI Лотмановских дней в Таллиннском университете с радостью сообщает, что  Ваши доклад включен в программу конференции «BIOGRAPHIA SUB SPECIE SEMIOTICAE», которая состоится 30 мая — 1 июня 2014 г.!


С самыми добрыми пожеланиями и надеждой на плодотворную майско-июньскую встречу, от имени Оргкомитета


Татьяна Кузовкина

The 6th Lotman conference at Tallinn University, 30 May – 1 June 2014


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IM-51 video materials: Rothko

Mark Rothko(Ротко)

1.Just how powerful is art? Can it change your life – can it change the world?

The paintings arrived at London Tate gallery. A few hours earlier on the same day Rothko's body was discovered laying on bathroom floor in his mid-town studio. The painter who has been so much time in his own mindin the realms of the dead has killed himself, and now had in Londonsomething like his own Mausoleum.

— I wasn't in much of a hurry to see his newly installed paintings

— a monument to another fallen American abstract painter

— we weren't into reverence too much – not in 1970 J— we were into «playtime».

— The idea that art should be solemn was a turn-off — a bit like being made to go to church.

— And there they were (the paintings) – laying in wait – now, it wasn't love at first sight – light should be kept almost pretentiously low – it was like going to cinema.

Something in there was pulsing, like the inside of a body part, all crimson and purple – I felt pulled through those black lines into some mysterious place in the universe. Rothko: «His paintings begin an unknown adventure...» BUT Simon Shama: «I wasn't even sure I wanted to go there» J«and the destination might not exactly be a picnic».

— They say that money follows art AND art likes money too – there is nothing a painter likes more than a wealthy patron. Canadian liquor company «Seagram's» wanted to decorate their New York headquarters.

— the 55 year old painter was at the peak of his fame; to prove that the US has depth and not just dazzle.

— he was the greatest living American painter, or so they said; he had gone through 30 years of financial hardship and mental struggle; wrestling with the biggest question of all – what could art do? Can it connect us with the basic emotions that make us human (ecstasy, anguish, desire, terror)?

— the architect of the Seagram's building approached Rothko to do something for the four seasons…

— as commissions go – they didn't come any bigger! Anyone else would have jumped at such an offer.

Rothko thought long and hard about it. Because he was ambivalent, and not just about commission, but about American capitalism, about his own American success story.

The local Cossacks indulging in their favorite activity – beating up Jews (Dvinsk). New York – the golden city.

Two kinds of Jews – businessmen and those who brought with them the most precious thing – culture.

Happier talking to his children about Dostoevsky and Dickens than doing the accounts.

Hebrew school; read every sort of book he could get his hands on; Mark was the smart one – the one who is gonna make it. A big heart and a big mouth to match. Rothko won a scholarship to Yale University, but Yale wasn't even sure it wanted Jews at all and introduced a quota. He didn't need a saber-wielding Cossack to feel unloved – he dropped out. He was the other kind – the one with a creative itch;

— the greatest challenge of his career; he rented a vast space in an old gym. Rothko envisioned the Seagram's murals as a kind of wordless teaching, an antidote to triviality of modern life; one of the basic problems of the commission was its sheer size; all previous works were on a human scale – personal; but this was public and Manhattan was watching;

— "A picture lives by companionship, expending and quickening in the eyes of a sensitive observer… it is, therefore, a risky and unfeeling act to send it out into the world";

— another lost soul in the Jazz Age New York – he wasn't really into bootleg and boogie-woogie – more like Marx and Mozart – he was burning to do something about the modern world.

— come to New York to wonder around, bum about and starve a bit… to make ends meet taught kids in the Jewish community center… not to mind the rules – painting was as natural as singing.

— he was doing something that children didn't do – thinking too hard. The subway series… paintings… that catch  you off-guard. Alienation, compelling strangeness – he took an everyday urban scene and loaded it with clammy sensation of doom… or wondering souls trapped in Purgatory? He called his colors – «performance».

-the tragic notion of the image is always present in my mind – I can't point it out – there are no skull and bones J

— the whole problem of art is to establish human values in this specific civilization – his art is about the world. Sense of the tragic is always with me when I paint; I am interested only in expressing basic human emotions.

And the fact that people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures shows that I communicate those basic emotions.

— Not much of a market for painters in New York in 1930s.

— the modern masters (of painting) made him feel worse; — Matisse's «Red Studio» finally switched something "On" – Matisse liberated color from specific objects. Things no longer have a color – the painting does.

But back in 1930s Rothko was still thinking too hard to paint like this.

— instead of following his instinct he went back to his books (tragic literature); he chainsmoked his way through (all these books – Greek & Shakespearean tragedies, Nietzsche etc.)

Mythology — slaughter, sacrifice and disembowelment by the yard; but Rothko's archeological excursions in the land of the dead were overtaken by the real world. Not for Rothko – classified «unfit for service» due to acute shortsightedness. But Rothko knew that a conflict was a crossroads for art.

— with civilization facing annihilation, it was up to America to save Western culture from fascism J

not just by offering safe haven (хейвен \ хевен) for refugee painters  from Europe… but by doing something equal to the times; easier said (and they said it a lot) than done;

exhausted by his endeavor, he took a 3 months vocation to Europe...

— we get an insight into how exactly he was feeling from a reported conversation… on the trans-Atlantic ocean liner; he railed against the SOBs – hoped his painting would ruin the appetite – as a gladiatorial contest «Mark VS Manhattan»; he had done a grand tour; He (Michelangelo) achieved just the kind of feeling I am after. All the windows \ doors are bricked – all they can do – buck their head against the wall, forever. Manhattan's smartest restaurant. Big, spell-binding paintings; They emanate an uncanny force field; Rothko had accomplished something utterly original; It's what Rothko makes them (the colors) do… the paintings don't just dumbly watch – they come and get us! Rothko: I am not a mystic – I am giving you material experience;  

Could he relax a little and back in the glow of his success… Rothko: «The people who weep before my painting are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them»...

Rothko was someone who thought it was immoral to spend more than 5 bucks on a meal and was often perfectly happy with a Chinese takeaway, but as he sat among the milliners… his confidence sunk like a stone: «anybody who will eat that kind of food for that kind of money will never look at a painting of mine!»

The Huston chapel; A veil hanging between two columns; gateway – portal;

Everything was made ambiguous – this isn't about now, this is about forever – everything between womb and tomb...

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